"Our God loves you with a tenderness, strength, intimacy and conviction that defies all human understanding. That is the message that God has moved me to convey to you...He loves you.

God sent his beloved son Jesus to show us the depth of his love, to teach us of his love relationship with us and to offer us hope of eternal salvation. Jesus spent his whole life preaching: faith, trust, caring, forgiveness, reconciliation, and how we should act...out of love for God and our fellow man.

Even in the midst of his pain and suffering on the cross he asked his heavenly father to forgive his persecutors... What a testament of love... When we go to him in faith, love and trust his forgiveness knows no bounds.

I offer the " Open-heart Hope Cross " for the express purpose of reminding us of these incredible truths. Open your heart to Jesus ... he is waiting for you with open arms."

-Glen A. Vodika

Contact us at thehopecross@aol.com
Artwork by Jane Busher